Phuket Shooting Range | Thailand
This Visit Is not Included In The City Tour,we request and added this visit and deduct some factory visit to save our time,no xtra charges for this request and this visit ,all activity is pay by own....
But seriously I have this great interest in firearms and also this interest should come with a slightly above avarage's marksmanship.
There are actually 2 shooting range in Phuket itself but majority of the tour guide or TUT-TUT/taxi/van will bring you to the one in Kata but i survey this place at blog before i come to phuket...
here the activity was more than others....
I dont know why the one in Kata (Phuket shooting Range) is more famous (probably because its kinda old and everyone knows it) but there is a new shooting range in Kathu (Kathu shooting Range) that is not quite as popular as the Phuket Shooting Range but they got better/newer guns and rifles.
Its very important to observe the rules and regulations before you do anything,They will ask you to sign a Letter of indemnity to indemnify them of any demages in the event of any accidents arises from the use of their firearms.
the explotion is L O U D! as loud as when lighting strikes, go please get proper ears protection before you start firing. Ear mufflers are provided free of charge by the management.

If you are a first timer, be extra careful of the gun recoil .... after you pulled the trigger you pistol will have this "kick back" action to it, hold your gun properly as there are still life bullets in it, you do not wanna drop your gun at this point.

Take you time, do not rush ... take your time to aim, not all gun are built the same ... some have different targetting system. as such you gotta fire 1 shot to test the accuracy then adjust your sight according to the 1st bullet mark.

This is what you should do in the shooting range :
- First get a set of ears muffles, whether you are shooting or not! this will provide sufficient protection to your ears.
- Go to the gun room and select your choice of firearm (if you are shooting la)
- Sign some papers to indemnify them in case of any injuries arises.
- Ask your instructor to bring the gun and bring you to the cashier counter
- Pay for your bullets
- Get gogle from instructor to protect your eyes (if you are not wearing any specs) For specky like me no nid extra gogle.
- Sit on the chair provided and let your instructor load your firearm.
- Point, aim and shoot.
- Do not point your firearms anywhere else other than the target.
- once you emptied your firearms leave it on the table you are sitting on.
- Request permission to take photo of the gun (if you want that)
- Goto the cashier counter and ask for free stickers - image below

Others Activity:
- Sporting Clay
- Paintball
- Airsoft BB Gun
- Archery
- Racing Kart
- ATV Adventure
- Elephant Trekking
- Monkey School
- Cobra Show
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